There Is A Hope...
Life must go on && it's like a TV show... It's like a movie, but the movie is too short, life is short live it && enjoy it but its longer than a 2 hours movie.
Life is hard but you got nothing to do but to live it... This is how it works, you wake in the morning, you eat your breakfast, study if your a student or go to work if you have work, you do the best that you have for other people... Don't see how important you are?
If your a student, you need to do your best for yourself && for your family, parents especially, don't you have any clue how happy they will be when they see you studying hard to get the best grades && to be the best?
If your a DR (an example on a guy who works) your important to give others life... To give them hope!! Your the reason (after God of course...) why some people will continuo living their lives, it's all up to you, you can be what you want. You can do what you want, but is what you want is the deal? Is it a good thing to be? What will happen to yourself after? Will you be famous? Or infamous? Of you'll be just the same as normal people?
You need to ask yourself questions and see who you want to be, it's important, it's like a goal, you know in football of any other sports game, you can't get a goal without plans && you can't get a goal without working hard for it, doing exercises... Etc.
No matter who you are and no matter what you've done. Your important, your so very important don't underestimate yourself otherwise you'll lose yourself. You don't know what other people have done or doing every single day... I'm telling yah, not so very good stuff, but also they're those good people too, so whatcha wanna be? A good person, everybody knows... A guy who's a reason why some people are living because? Or simply just another guy who hags out in bars && got nothing to do?
If your not a student && not the reason why some people are living because (not a DR), then simply your very important then, even more important than a DR, see, you guys are everywhere I go, you wash cars so people can be happy, you make food so people can eat && seal it for them, you work in banks so people can put their money, you work hard on computer for example as a Linux programmer, you fix bugs so other people can be happy without bugs, your a web developer, you make almost 6 billions of people happy everyday! Can't you see? Your important && no matter what you do (good people who work hard) world needs you! The DR is a DR, the DR needs fast food (witch is what you do so he needs you, he depends on you) the DR needs his car to be washed (witch is what you do) see? Not only DR's are important for people living, your important too, you make other people smile && happy! Be proud of yourself, because simply your special... Don't let anybody to break you down, even if you fall... Just work && try to change.
Believe me, no matter why you've done, you can change, I promise, if you want to change && you really mean it, you can do it. It's all about you, don't you see, now? I'm admitting it, I need you in this life && no matter what... We may no going to meet, but we will help each other, for example, you work at Apple creating iPhones, I just bought an iPhone that you made yourself, I may don't know who you are... But I know that I'm happy because you made an iPhone... You put smile on my face! Your gorgeous!
Believe me, no matter what you've done && maybe still doing, there are other people doing the same and other much worst, be happy, that's all it takes to love your life, try to change to the best && you'll put smile not only on your face, but on my face && other people's face!
Remember, your always been gorgeous && it always been about, don't you see?
By Akiro Skullfield 2013
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