Saturday, January 26, 2013

تحميل كتاب الولاء التام النسخة العربية

Download Akiro Skullfield - Total Devotion ( Arabic Edition )

دمي عربيٌ

دمي عربيٌ
لم يلوثه الغرب بعدُ
فكري سليمٌ
لا يعرف معنى الحقدُ
سلاسل الليل تقيدني
بأفكار النهار تزعجني
هم الليل يهاجمني
بأنواع الطرق يكسرني
أحاول الهروبَ فيلحقني
فيسحب بي إلى عالمٍ لا يبدوا لي بواقعي
أحاول الهروب من خيالي
ضميري يؤنبني على فلسطين يحرمني
هواءُ الليل يخنقني
شهيقٌ لا تستطيعُ مقاومتي

By Akiro Skullfield

دمي عربيٌ

دمي عربيٌ
لم يلوثه الغرب بعدُ
فكري سليمٌ
لا يعرف معنى الحقدُ
سلاسل الليل تقيدني
بأفكار النهار تزعجني
هم الليل يهاجمني
بأنواع الطرق يكسرني
أحاول الهروبَ فيلحقني
فيسحب بي إلى عالمٍ لا يبدوا لي بواقعي
أحاول الهروب من خيالي
ضميري يؤنبني على فلسطين يحرمني
هواءُ الليل يخنقني
شهيقٌ لا تستطيعُ مقاومتي

By Akiro Skullfield

Thursday, January 24, 2013

إهداء لكل من أحب المتشبهين بالنساء و أصحاب الشخصيات الضعيفة و خصيصا لمعجبي Adam Lambert

أتعجب كيف ينمو لهم شارب

و العقل من الآسِ هارب

كيف يحبهم الناس

و هم ليسوا بشرا من الأساس

لم نخلق لنغير اشكالنا

و لكن لنرضا بما لنا

القرب من الباري نعمة

و لا يحسد كل من اتبع إثمة

اختلاف كإختلاف ال ه عن ال ة

لما العيش بلا شخصية

و لماذا الطمع في القوية

هل أذكركم بفلسطين الشقيقة؟؟

أم هيه في العين كل دقيقة ؟

كتُبت الكتبُ و المقالات

و الكل طامع في الشهوات

اين العروبة و اين وعد التحرير ؟

و اين الرجال عن الزفير؟

أين انت يا حبيبي ؟

اين انت يا حبيبي ؟
داعياً رَبي حبيبي
راجياً صُلحَ فؤادي
باكياً احملُ سلاحي
محارباً أريدُ حبيبي
مترجياً الناسَ دَعوني
مكتأباً أبغى نَصيبي
واضعاً شوقَ حياتي
محارباً بالعمِ غليلي
فأين أنتَ يا حَبيبي؟

أكيرو سكولفيلد
Akiro Skullfield

Total Devotion ( English Edition )

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

خاني حبيبي

عندما تأتي مفردات تختفي أخرى...
عندما لا يلفظ اللسانُ إلا البذيئة...
عندما لا تنطق الحنجرةُ إلا ما كان عاليا...
صوتُ خافت في سباتٍ مبين...
صوت بكاءٍ و عويل...
أبكت رجالٌ و كسرت قلوب...
أنها الخيانة و من منا يستحيل؟
يدي تعجز عن كتابت الواقع، و كيف ستكتب عن شيء لا يأتي الخير منه و ليس هو بجديد؟ أني اقر بما رأيت و ما عانيت من الآلام في الليل و صراخٍ و عويل، لا تأتي الخيانة لمن لا يثق بأحد و اعتقد ان القلب لا يستطيع قول الكثير، محاولات باتت بالفشل عن نسيان الواقع و الهروب من حقائق تبدو لي بالمستحيل، باتت لي الحياة استهزائاً و اتضح أني كنت مُستَهزَئا، كل و لم يكن لي أدنى شكٌ في حبيبي، لماذا الخيانة و قلبي الصغير لا يحتمل المزيد؟ أيا كان السببُ كفي عن الكذبَ و استهبال العويل، لا ينبح الحمار إلا إذا كان شاذا، لماذا إبدال الببغاءِ بحمير؟
كلا و كلا يا حبيبي، لا حبٌ و لا حبيبتٌ تنسيني من أكون، أعلى و أعلى هذا أنا و لكن الزمن قد يقلب الموازين، كيف و ان "تجوع الحرةُ و لا تأكلُ من ثدييها " لماذا التفسير بالكذب؟ لا يمكن إصلاح الأخطاء باخطاءٍ أخرى... لا يمكن الحرب ان تنتهي بسلام، عانيت حتى اكتفيت، قلت حتى تعبت، لساني ثقل و يدي جرحت قلبي مكسورُ لكن لماذا أحسُ بأنني لا أزال أريد المزيد؟ لا استطيع الكفَ عن حبك يا حبيبي هل يراودكَ إحساسُ أو شعور؟ كفاك كذبا، اتركيني... اذهب لحالي و ما عندي أي دليل.

التفسير :

عندما اجد الكلمات الجيدة لبدأ ما اكتب من كلام افقد كلمات أخرى...
عندما نُخان لا نقول إلا أسوء ما لدينا من الكلام البذيء للتعبير عن ما في دخلنا من حزن و الم...
عندما نُخان كل كلامنا يصبح بأعلى صوت...
القلب يبكي في الداخل بصوتٍ خافتٍ حتى لا يستطيع سماعه احد...
نعم، انه صوت البكاء و العويل...
ان الخيانة لا تعرف الرجل أو المرأة و الإنسان و بصورة عامة " كلا الجنسين " من حقهم البكاء فكما يقول ادولف هتلر " العين التي لا تبكي، هي لا تبصر في الواقع شيئا " ...
ان الخيانة ليست مستحيلة، فكل شيء ممكن...
يدي لا تستطيع كتابة ما حصل، محاولٌ في داخلي النسيان وفي الوقت نفسه أحاول إلا أنسى ما حصل لحتى احتفظ بهذه المعلومات على شكل خبرة لي في الحياة كيف سأجعل يدي تكتب شيئا يعرفه الناس و ليسوا هم عنه غافلين؟ ان اشهد بأني لن أقول ألا ما حدث في الواقع من جديد سأكتب ما حدث لي مضيفا عليها مشاعر و أحاسيس، لا يُخانُ الشخص الذي لا يثق بأحد بانه ببساطة لا يوجد احد لخيانته فالخيانه هي من شخصٍ قريبٍ، شخص تثق فيه و لم تتوقع من الخيانة... لن أطول الكلام سأكتفي بالمفيد، حاولت النسيان و الهروب لعالمٍ افضل لكني لم استطع ذلك، حاولت تغيير الواقع لكن لم استطع ذلك أيضاً، كنت اضن ان الحياة سهلة و ضننت أنني كنت استهزأ بها لكن اتضح أنها كانت تستهزء بي أنا، لم أذق طعم الخيانة من قبل، لماذا و أنا لم أطق الشك فيك لماذا خنتيني و قلبي الصغير لا يستطيع التحمل أيا كان سبب الخيانة، يكفي كذبا و الادعاء بانك تبكين اتتركيني لم كان شاذا بين قومه، لا حب و لا حبيب ممكن ان ينسيني كرامتي و لا انت يا حبيبي... لكن الزمان كاد ان يقلب الموازين، لماذا الكذب من جديد؟ الم تكفيك الخيانة؟ بكيت و عانيت من الام الجروح حتى ظننت أنني اكتفيت، لساني تعب من كثر قول الكلام، يدي جرحت من حدت الكلام الذي كتبته بها... كسرتِ قلبي لكن اشعر ان ما حدث لم يكن كافيني فلا آرام حبك، هل تحسين انك تحبينيني أو انك تشعرين بحبي لك، لا اعتقد انك ستكفين عن الكذب... اتتركيني لأذهب في طريقي و ما أنا بداري ما الطريق.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

قصتَ حياتي

أنا لستُ انت... أنا أتفوق عليك بشيئا واحداً و هو طريقة التفكير و الغفلان و هناك من يتفوق عليَّ أيضاً ، لكن إعلم...
لستُ أنا إلا بإنسان، أنا أرى، اسمع، افكر انزُف و أموت، اختلافي عنك هو المظهر الخارجي و ما يخفيه عقلي و ما يختزنه قلبي من مشاعر و أحاسيس و هناك يكمن السر و هذا هو الفرق بيني و بينك فما أنا بخالد و لست انت بالخالد، من الممكن أن تخترق عتلةٌ جسدي و تُخرجُ منهُ اللون الأحمر الذي إذا ما خرج يسودُ جفافا، عيني تدمعُ تعبيراً عن ألمي، عقلي يختزن ما لا يستطيع الغير خزنه. قلبي مدربٌ على الحزن و الحقدِ و الحرمان...
فقدت من احب و لا يستطيع العقل تدبرَ الم الجفنان، تعجز يدي عن التعبير و لساني ساكننٌ لا يعلم صاحبه ما بلاه، تتركني الحياة عاجزا و أنا الذي خدمت الناس حتى لم اعد قادرا على خدمة حالي، كأنني جنديٌ لا يحمل بندقيةً و لست بضامنناً للأمان، تقدم في العمر و لم أدرك الوقت إلى ان رماني الزمان في قعر بحر، شل لي حركتي و ما عدت تحرك إلى ما يوجد في داخل جمجمتي واصفا و متخيلا قدريَ بين الناس تستمع أذناي لاشياءٍ لم تستطع ان تسمعها من قبل، الخيانة و قلة الاهتمام، من المثير و بعد كل ما فعلته طوال حياتي للمعارف من خدمات، من الغريب ان أرمى بلا سائلٍ عني... تمنيت لو سعيت لسعادتي و لو مرةً واحدة بدلاً من جلبها للغيرِ و من غير مقابل.
By Akiro Skullfield
Contact :

Saturday, January 19, 2013

أرضُ فلسطينَ

ارضُ فلسطينَ
أموالٌ محسوده
أطفالٌ محرومه
آمالٌ مشوؤمة
نساءٌ مكتومة
إبتساماتٌ مفقودة
ارضٌ منهوبة

هذا هو الوضعُ في فلسطين و ما أنا بغافل، شكيتُ و شكيتُ و ما هناك بسامع، كتب تأريخٌ بأوراقٍ أسودة و ما هناك بقارئ، ناديتُ بأعلى صوتي و ما في البين حاجب...
ساد الجشع...
و اليهود في ( مطمع )
ارضٌ لا يستحقها يهوديٌ ( فإجمع )
لا يمكن البدء بالحربِ و إلانتهاءُ بالسلام
فلا يشربُ الماءُ و النفطُ معاً
و لا يمكن للتأريخِ أن يمحى ( أبدا )

التفسير :
موضوعٌ يتحدثُ عن الأوضاع في فلسطين
" أموالٌ محسوده
أطفالٌ محرومه
آمالٌ مشوؤمة
نساءٌ مكتومة
إبتساماتٌ مفقودة
ارضٌ منهوبة "
من يملك من المال في يحسد عليه، لانه يوجد القليل من يملك المال و يعيش حياة الرفاهيه في فلسطين بسبب الاحتلال.
عندما احتل اليهود فلسطين حرمت الأطفال من حقوقها و منعت و بصورة عامة عن عيش حياةٍ عادية كباقي أطفال الدول الأخرى.
آمالٌ مشوؤمة
لا يستطيع المثير من الناس التكلم و النطق بما يريدون و بما يطالبون و ذلك لان الخوف مسيطرٌ.
رجالٌ مسوؤلة عن عوائلها و كل ما تفعله هو الصبر و الدعاء و العمل و حماية أسرتها. فلا تتكلم الرجالُ في هذا الزمان خوفاً على فقدان اعزائها.
لا يبتسم في فلسطين إلا الواشي الذي استغل من قبل اليهود و رمى فهو لا يبتسم إلا على حالهِ.
ارضُ فلسطينَ هي ملك للعرب و ليست ملكُ لليهود، اليهود هم مجرد محتلين.

هذا و بصورة عامة وضع فلسطين و لم اقل أنا إلى القليل و اكتفيت بالعموم و لكني اعرف الكثير و لست بغافلٍ عما يحدث فيها.
كم من الخطب قد خطبت و كم من المرات قلت و لكن لم اجد الإهتمام الذي أعنيه.
منذ بداية الاحتلال و الكُتاب بدأت تكتُب، من شعرٍ و نثرٍ و حتى الكُتبُ و لكن لا يهتم و لا يقرأها الكثير.
كم خطبتُ و حاولتُ الكلامَ و ليس بيني و بين الناس حاجب و لكن لا يهتم الناس لما أقول.
ساد الجشع
و اليهود في ( مطمع )
أن ارض فلسطين هي ارض العرب و اليهود هم محتلين و ليس لهم الحق في احتلالها، و معنى ( فإجمع ) أعني فيه اجمع كلمة يهوديٌ لتصبح اليهود اجمع و كل محتل يحتل فلسطين و ليس يهودي واحد فقط و أنما الجميع.
لقد بدأ اليهود بإعلان الحرب و لا يمكن و بعد أن فقدنا الكثير من الشهداء أن ننسى ما فعله المحتلون بإخواننا و إخواننا و أولادنا و حتى آبائنا.
لا يمكن الجمع بين الحلال و الحرام معاً
و لا يمكن أن ننسى ما فعله اليهود بأبناء فلسطين و نهبها و أيضاً لن ننسى الأبطال الشهداء الذين استشهدوا لأجل تحرير الوطن ( فلسطين )

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

DJ BL3ND's Music

Hello People Of Earth.

I have knew DJ BL3ND from 2011 as I can remember and he's one of my top DJ's of all the time. DJ BL3ND'a music leads you to the Glory of your day.
Most of his remises are about
Getting crazy, dancing crazy, doing crazy stuff, being happy, to see yourself as an important person and not the rest of the people.
His Music ( remises ) are a mixture of a small part of a lot of songs + some sounds and effects he add.
He's focusing on the hard core level of music. What is the hard core level of music? It's a high class music, it used in the clubs for dancing and getting crazy.
When DJ BL3ND's music is on. It control's over your emotions. Helps you to forget your worries ( that's a very helpful thing that helps us to live happier ) tells you and teaches you to be strong by not caring that much about the people who don't care about you ( that's a very good part to use in the music ) but also teaches you to love.
DJ BL3ND's music actually is a crazy music in a positive way. I recommend people who don't have personalities or don't have a strong personalities to listen to DJ BL3ND's remises and of course DJ BL3ND talk about love in his music.
When I listen to DJ BL3ND's music I know that I'm listing to a story, his music are actually about a story but a new kind of stories. He puts and Remix a deferent songs from a deferent artists but all those songs are related to each other in a same subject. As I said his music is about a high class story. Like a mystery or something like that.
I recommend you to listen his music when you get any issue in your life and that issue breaks you mood and makes you worried about it all the day and so on... So what DJ BL3ND's Music does is it takes your worries, puts you in a world full with high class music, destroying your worries, gives you hope, help and so much more.
You know sometimes all you need to fix a problem is to listen to the right track, sometimes all you need to fix a problem is to get ride of your worries.
I think that DJ BL3ND can get ride of your worries.

Stress that's a huge problem we all get stressed because of life issues and if your that kind who listens to high level music to get ride of his stress then I recommend you to listen to DJ BL3ND's music and try it out cause I think that his music is able to take out your stress.
If your younger than 17 and you can't go to clubs to listen to crazy music and dance like crazy I think that you should try to get some remixes of DJ BL3ND and turn the sound level up and dance cause I'm sure it will take over you and make your body dance.
You don't have to leave your house to get DJ BL3ND's music you can simply download them from YouTube for free and some free music on his official website. or simply from SoundCloud or even from the iTunes. You got a lot of ways to buy + download for free his music. I'm sure that if you like high level music I'm sure that DJ BL3ND is what you need.

Thanks for reading,
By Akiro Skullfield

Monday, January 14, 2013

Akiro Skullfield - Leading Thoughts

Akiro Skullfield ® - Leading Thoughts ™

Interdiction :
Hello everyone, my name is Akiro Skullfield, I wrote all of this by my own, it was a simple thought that got into my head and the words started going out, my hand started to type until i finished it all, I hope you guys like it, you can share it but you can't rename it or post under other name, else than mine. Have fun reading. Contact me at :, for all my information please visit my page : see you next time, thanks.

Stage :

" Just Me... " :
Love me, I'm yours, I'm your alone, don't share me with anyone, don't let me down, don't love anyone else than me.
" Hit It To Me " :
" Hit it to me " I know your cheating, I know you love someone else... I know your heart is stolen by someone else. Tell me about it...
" Well Maybe You Can " :
" Well maybe you can... " I'm telling you to stop playing me, I just can't even take a thought about this... Please. Love me alone, don't say you can't cause " well maybe you can... "

I never thought that I will fall in lov-love-love-love... But it was start fromma simple cru-crush-crush-crush :
I never thought that this is love, never wanted to love you, never choiced to fall in love with you, I wish I can get ride of my love for you, but can't... Its just I can't. Everything started from a simple like to you.

"Being WithOut You... Please, just sto-stop-stop-stop " :

She's telling him, you never choiced to love me? Leave me then. He replays saying : being without you? Don't say this again, please stop doing this. I love you && happy to meet you.

" Maybe in time you'd change your mind... Baby, I can't live without staring at you from so long" :

Maybe in time, when we spend some more times, maybe you can fall in love with me, maybe you'd see me in another way... Who knows? We are just human, we can change. Your asking me to leave you && I can't spend my time without staring at you, fromma long time I'm doing it.

" How did you ever expect this to be? "

She's telling him, how did you ever expected this to be? I love someone else... I'm here for fun, spending my time with you in better than waiting for something I don't have, fixing you is better than staying without anything.

"I can't sleep until I see you shutting down your systems" :

How could you be so heartless, while I never left you alone, never letted you down, always there for you, always standing up for you && all the good times we had, all the stuff we don't together, all what I did for you, now you want me to leave? All those sleepless nights I never slept waiting you to come back home, but you never thought about me, all you care about is your stupid friends.

" I never thought I have that much kind " :

You have changed me, I never been like this, its not me, not me who's too kind like this, even thought I never loved anyone but you, I never been to kind to anyone before, I'm just too kind with you...

" No, no, try to love me, don't say anything about it "

She saying we can't be together anymore and I love someone else and I can't be yours, move on and leave me, continue with your life. He replied her saying, your my life, my everything, i never thought that i will lose you someday, why do you want to break up ? Your my everything, we can try more, we can do it, we can do it, we can be together, just gimme a chance, please don't say breaking up again.

" Breaking up is just the beginning there's so much more out there waiting you outside "

She's telling him that he got no other way... They have to break up this relationship, he have to move on and look up for someone else cause there is so many relationships and female singles out there waiting.

" Enough-nough-nough-nough "

He's asking her to stop talking like this and look up for his love, he's asking her for one last chance.

" All we had was nothing for me, I'm sure I will find better than you "

She's saying everything we had was nothing for me, it means nothing, i can get someone better than you, I love someone else and I'm sure that I will be treated better than that.

" Stop begging cause it's over, start smiling cause its happening "

She's saying don't be sad, don't be mad, don't cry, just smile and be strong, you can move on and find someone else that loves you for me i would never fall in love with you. I'm sorry but you have to move on and realize what's happening here, wake up cause this is not a dream.

" You can... Well just do... "

You can leave me and break my heart, go to your new boyfriend but know that I wont ever forget you, remember me and remember what have you done to me, when I treated you write, respected you and trusted you on my life, I blow out all my money on you and now I'm broke, have fun with your new life and i wish the best for you, you can leave me ans break my heart ?! Well do it. Bye my love.

Akiro Skullfield.
Contact :

Sunday, January 13, 2013

About @Dikta 's Music By Akiro Skullfield

About Dikta's Music

Dikta is actually one of my favorite bands of all the time. They're from Island, but that doesn't matter cause they can make a good music. Actually not only good music, the best music and I wonder if they're great or the greatest? Of course they are the greatest.

I have been stalking their work for a long time and I'm actually impressed. I know a lot of singers/ bands and so on... But I focused more on Dikta... They always talk about not giving up, they always tells you to move on and fight back, they give you hope that you need to live your life...
Many times I was broken and I always listen to their music when I feel sad and they actually make me forget my pain and make me strong, their music gimme power...
You don't have to be sad to listen to Dikta, actually they made as I believe a song to every mood that your going throw in your life... I will give you examples but not all cause simply they have more and more than this to be written:

1. Your lost? Your sad? Listen to
Dikta - Lost In The Light ( Get It Together 2009 )

2. Your broken? People keep annoying you? Listen to
Dikta - What Are You Waiting For? ( Trust Me 2011 )

3. Your feeling thankful for something a friend maybe? Go listen to and give it to the person your thankful for...
Dikta - Thank you ( Get It Together 2009 )

4. You wanna say goodbye to someone or your just sad listen to or give this one to the person you want to say goodbye to
Dikta - Goodbye ( Get It Together 2009 )

5. Your so sad of you have someone just died go listen to
Dikta - A Day At The Opera ( Trust Me 2012 )

6. You want hope and same time a song about home? Listen to
Dikta - Home ( Trust Me 2011 )

7. As I always say " don't fall in love with other people, first, fall in love with yourself. " Go listen to
Dikta - In Love With Myself ( Trust Me 2011 )

8. For a very cool song, dancing song and a short story just go listen to
Dikta - Warnings ( Get It Together 2009 )

9. Your having Issue in live? you made someone cry? you feel so down? Do you want a sad story? Go listen to
Dikta - Hotel Feelings ( Get It Together 2009 )

10. A song that can give you power and hard music with a lovely lyrics stuck on it. Go listen to
Dikta - Let Go ( Get It Together 2009 )

Those are only some songs by Dikta... There is so much more, Dikta isn't one person and I bet even though I didn't meet anyone of them, I bet that they are all on the same page, they are wonderful, see? Take a moment listing to their music, any track by Dikta, any track, any track, any track, cause I'm sure 100 % that you will like it, cause simply I feel that there is no better than Dikta...

I'm not writing all this cause I have to, I actually don't have to write anything about anyone, but I'm doing it cause I feel that I want to do it, cause I feel like I want to say thank you to Dikta and everyone who helped this amazing band to make the best music in the world. I simply feel so thankful for Dikta for making the best music in the world and not only that. I want to say this with a bold headline. THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE. THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME SEE AND THANK YOU FOR THE WORLD, YES!! THE WORLD CAUSE YOUR MUSIC IS THE WORLD FOR ME.

They released a new album on 2011 called " Trust Me " so make sure that you will check it out cause its simply one of my favorite albums for 2011-2012

My favorite albums by Dikta :

1. Get It Together ( 2009 )

1 . Warnings
2 . Thank You
3 . Hotel Feelings
4 . Final Call
5 . Let Go
6 . Start To Finish
7 . Blonde Brunette
8. GoodBye
9. The Story of Roscoe Gary
10. Just Getting Started
11. Lost In The Light
12. From Now On

2. Trust Me ( 2011 )

1. What Are You Waiting For?
2. In Spite Of Me
3. In Love With Myself
4. A Day At The Opera
5. Visitor
6. Cycles
7. Caution
8. Buy It For The Riot
9. David
10. Feature
11. Home

Please Note : I mentioned some songs up top I'd you read well, I also mentioned the album name + date release but that's not all what Dikta has, Dikta has more and more than this. They have albums released on 2000, 2003, 2005 I'm sorry if I said anything wrong, but I only said what's inside my heart for Dikta but keep on mind. I'm just human, human make mistakes and sorry if I said anything wrong.

By : Akiro Skullfield
Contact : akiroskullfield@gmail.comp

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Strutting Emotion

Strutting Emotion
Why do we live? ( e )
Why do we die? ( e )
A dinner is up time underneath me... ( e )
A change have to be made ( e )
For God's sake, there is something's we can't really make. ( e )

An active daddy working every single day to be payed ( d )
A high class music is ready to be played... ( d )

A sun has to be set down everyday ( y)
Why don't we even try? ( y )

An attractive woman getting flirted because of heat ( t )
Why don't we use a God damn sheet?
( t )

Meaning :

" Why do we live? ( e ) "
Why are we alive? Why do we live? Why did God create us?
We are alive to act good, help others, to be something special and to create something for others. We live so we can learn and we can love, lie, try and die. God created us to show the devil that some people will follow God and do what he says and serve him all their lives and don't harm others.

" Why do we die? ( e ) "
We die cause everyday we are getting new borns and earth isn't getting bigger, isn't growing like we do. So we live and then die so we can give others the new borns space to live.

" A dinner is up time underneath me... ( e ) "
Most of us aren't good with their parents and they sometimes don't listen to what they say, even though they love us, I'm sure that your mom won't eat her dinner unless you were besides her, but your up top in your room doing something and your mom is waiting for you.

" A change have to be made ( e ) "
We have to change the way we live, we have to change, we can change, but it needs work, we need to change for the best, we have to be the best.

" For God's sake, there is something's we can't really make. ( e ) "
You can't make a lot of things, for example you can't create someone. That's not your job, you can't change the world.

" An active daddy working every single day to be payed ( d ) "
Look at your dad, he loves you and look how he's working every day so we can be payed and then so he can get money to make you live better an so he can buy things for you.

" A high class music is ready to be played... ( d ) "
You know when your dad work, he get payed and he gives you money, what you do with this money? You spend them for clothes, on your friends on music and stuff, but you don't have a clue how hard is it to get them.

" A sun has to be set down everyday ( y) "
All what you do is playing around, your parents are working everyday and you say that you got no time to think about real things, you got no time for that, so, everyday that comes for you, you say I'm gonna work tomorrow, when tomorrow comes, you say, after it and so on.

" Why don't we even try? ( y ) "
Why won't we use this time to do some useful things to be better to create something to help someone, to try to be nice with people, to listen to what your parents says to you.

" An attractive woman getting flirted because of heat ( t ) "
When a pretty girl walks on the street all the boys look at her and they flirt on her, so that is all what teen do, that's all what they care about.

" Why don't we use a God damn sheet? ( t ) "
Why don't we try to cover up all the bad stuff we have been do? And try to fix all the stupid mistakes that we've done and start over? Lets cover this and try to make something.

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Strutting Emotion

Strutting Emotion
Why do we live? ( e )
Why do we die? ( e )
A dinner is up time underneath me... ( e )
A change have to be made ( e )
For God's sake, there is something's we can't really make. ( e )

An active daddy working every single day to be payed ( d )
A high class music is ready to be played... ( d )

A sun has to be set down everyday ( y)
Why don't we even try? ( y )

An attractive woman getting flirted because of heat ( t )
Why don't we use a God damn sheet?
( t )

Meaning :

" Why do we live? ( e ) "
Why are we alive? Why do we live? Why did God create us?
We are alive to act good, help others, to be something special and to create something for others. We live so we can learn and we can love, lie, try and die. God created us to show the devil that some people will follow God and do what he says and serve him all their lives and don't harm others.

" Why do we die? ( e ) "
We die cause everyday we are getting new borns and earth isn't getting bigger, isn't growing like we do. So we live and then die so we can give others the new borns space to live.

" A dinner is up time underneath me... ( e ) "
Most of us aren't good with their parents and they sometimes don't listen to what they say, even though they love us, I'm sure that your mom won't eat her dinner unless you were besides her, but your up top in your room doing something and your mom is waiting for you.

" A change have to be made ( e ) "
We have to change the way we live, we have to change, we can change, but it needs work, we need to change for the best, we have to be the best.

" For God's sake, there is something's we can't really make. ( e ) "
You can't make a lot of things, for example you can't create someone. That's not your job, you can't change the world.

" An active daddy working every single day to be payed ( d ) "
Look at your dad, he loves you and look how he's working every day so we can be payed and then so he can get money to make you live better an so he can buy things for you.

" A high class music is ready to be played... ( d ) "
You know when your dad work, he get payed and he gives you money, what you do with this money? You spend them for clothes, on your friends on music and stuff, but you don't have a clue how hard is it to get them.

" A sun has to be set down everyday ( y) "
All what you do is playing around, your parents are working everyday and you say that you got no time to think about real things, you got no time for that, so, everyday that comes for you, you say I'm gonna work tomorrow, when tomorrow comes, you say, after it and so on.

" Why don't we even try? ( y ) "
Why won't we use this time to do some useful things to be better to create something to help someone, to try to be nice with people, to listen to what your parents says to you.

" An attractive woman getting flirted because of heat ( t ) "
When a pretty girl walks on the street all the boys look at her and they flirt on her, so that is all what teen do, that's all what they care about.

" Why don't we use a God damn sheet? ( t ) "
Why don't we try to cover up all the bad stuff we have been do? And try to fix all the stupid mistakes that we've done and start over? Lets cover this and try to make something.

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